My Brother’s Keeper, part 2

  1. Pray, lifting your requests before God and praising Him for His goodness. Be sure to ask Him to speak to your heart during your devotional time.
  2. Read today’s passage of Scripture in your Bible and be ready to journal.
  3. Record your thoughts. What stands out to you?
  4. How does today’s reading apply to your life? How does it reveal your insufficiencies? What change does God’s word call you to today?
  5. Remember to have each member of your family share what God showed them during your family worship time today.
  6. If you have any questions, please use the contact form on this site.

Below, you will find notes to aid you in your thoughts and prayers today.

Matthew 18

v. 21-35

It is significant that after quoting Jesus’ teaching concerning right church discipline, Matthew quotes Jesus’ teaching about forgiveness. The two are explicitly connected. When we deal with sinfulness in our midst, it is always accompanied by explicit and unapologetic forgiveness. These sins that have been dealt with will never be held to a person’s account, period. Jesus even emphasizes to Peter that forgiveness has no bounds. Just as God’s forgiveness is unconditional and eternal, so is that of God’s people. If there is no absolute forgiveness, we prove to be enemies of the Father, not sons and daughters.


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